Theoretical definition of language; functions of language;  basic characteristics of human and non-human language; theories on the origin and development of human language; the form and functions of written  languages; the major writing systems of the world; their strengthens and weaknesses; languages in Kenya: focus on the sociolinguistic geography of Kenya; the role of English, Kiswahili and indigenous languages; language clusters in Kenya: Bantu, Nilotic, Cushitic; broad structural characteristics of language clusters: phonological, lexical and semantic; language and society: speech community; language varieties; language planning and language policy.


At the end of the course, you should be able to:

1.      Define language as a means of communication.

2.      Distinguish between human language and other forms of communication.

3.      Identify and explain the theories of the origin of language.

4.       Acquire linguistic competence to work in any field within the language industry.